InnoDB 和MyISAM是许多人在使用MySQL时最常用的两个表类型,这两个表类型各有优劣,视具体应用而定。

以前MySQL 默认的存储引擎是MYISAM,从5.5.5之后默认的存储引擎就改用了 InnoDB


1)MyISAM类型不支持事务处理等高级处理,而InnoDB 类型支持。




  1. 二进制层次的可移植性。
  2. NULL列索引。
  3. 对变长行比ISAM表有更少的碎片。
  4. 支持大文件。
  5. 更好的索引压缩。
  6. 更好的键码统计分布。
  7. 更好和更快的auto_increment处理。


  1. InnoDB不支持FULLTEXT类型的索引。
  2. InnoDB 中不保存表的具体行数,也就是说,执行select count(*) from table时,InnoDB要扫描一遍整个表来计算有多少行,但是MyISAM只要简单的读出保存好的行数即可。注意的是,当count(*)语句包含 where条件时,两种表的操作是一样的。
  3. 对于AUTO_INCREMENT类型的字段,InnoDB中必须包含只有该字段的索引,但是在MyISAM表中,可以和其他字段一起建立联合索引。
  4. DELETE FROM table时,InnoDB不会重新建立表,而是一行一行的删除
  5. LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER操作对InnoDB是不起作用的,解决方法是首先把InnoDB表改成MyISAM表,导入数据后再改成InnoDB表,但是对于使用的额外的InnoDB特性(例如外键)的表不适用。

InnoDB is a high-reliability and high-performance storage engine for MySQL. Starting with MySQL 5.5, it is the default MySQL storage engine. Key advantages of InnoDB include:
Its design follows the ACID model, with transactions featuring commit, rollback, and crash-recovery capabilities to protect user data.
Row-level locking and Oracle-style consistent reads increase multi-user concurrency and performance.
InnoDB tables arrange your data on disk to optimize common queries based on primary keys. Each InnoDB table has a primary key index called the clustered index that organizes the data to minimize I/O for primary key lookups.
To maintain data integrity, InnoDB also supports FOREIGN KEY referential-integrity constraints.
You can freely mix InnoDB tables with tables from other MySQL storage engines, even within the same statement. For example, you can use a join operation to combine data from InnoDB and MEMORY tables in a single query.
To determine whether your server supports InnoDB use the SHOW ENGINES statement.
Before MySQL 5.5.5, MyISAM is the default storage engine. (The default was changed to InnoDB in MySQL 5.5.5.) MyISAM is based on the older (and no longer available) ISAM storage engine but has many useful extensions.

Table 13.10. MyISAM Storage Engine Features

Storage limits 256TB Transactions No Locking granularity Table
MVCC No Geospatial data type support Yes Geospatial indexing support Yes
B-tree indexes Yes Hash indexes No Full-text search indexes Yes
Clustered indexes No Data caches No Index caches Yes
Compressed data Yes Encrypted data Yes Cluster database support No
Replication support  Yes Foreign key support No Backup / point-in-time recovery Yes
Query cache support Yes Update statistics for data dictionary Yes  




MySQL 中 InnoDB 和 MyISAM 小结


MySQL 删除数据后物理空间未释放

MySQL 查看数据库大小、表大小和最后修改时间

PHP MySQL中 uft-8中文编码乱码的解决办法

MySQL 常用语法总结

MySQL 时间函数加减计算

MySQL 创建索引、修改索引、删除索引的命令

MySQL 执行sql及慢查询监控

MySQL 中case when语句用法

MySQL 函数 group_concat

MySQL 中 distinct 和 group by 性能比较

MySQL 查询语句取整数或小数
