1 创建 payloads 
javaPNS提供了很多简单易用的通知方式(Push类里的alert, badges, sounds等)这些让你不用自己处理payload.但是我们的程序可能需要复杂的推送信息,因此我们可以通过payload来定制推送信息: 

public void send(List<Device> devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) {
	/* Build a blank payload to customize */
	PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.complex();

	/* Customize the payload */
	payload.addAlert("Hello World!");
	payload.addCustomDictionary("mykey1", "My Value 1");
	payload.addCustomDictionary("mykey2", 2);
	// etc.

	/* Push your custom payload */
	List<PushedNotification> notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, devices);


2 发送大量通知(多线程) 

public void send(List<Device> devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) {
	/* 准备一个简单的通知 */
	PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!");

	/* 指定需要多少线程发送 */
	int threads = 30;

	/* 启动线程并发送 */
	List<PushedNotification> notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices);



3 生成推送队列(连接池) 

public void send(String token, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) {
	/* 准备一条push信息 */
	PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!");

	/* 指定线程数 */
	int threads = 30;

	/* 建立队列 */
	PushQueue queue = Push.queue(keystore, password, production, threads);

	/* Start the queue (所有的线程和连接将被初始化) */

	/* 添加一个推送信息 */
	queue.add(payload, token);

我们可以通过PushQueue的getPushedNotifications() 方法来获取返回信息。 


4 更灵活的发送方式 

public void send(List<Device> devices, Object keystore, String password, String appleHost, int applePort) {
	/* 指定服务器信息 */
	AppleNotificationServer customServer = new AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(keystore, password, ConnectionToAppleServer.KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12, appleHost, applePort);

	/* 创建一个简单的payload */
	PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!");

	/* 创建一个 push notification manager */
	PushNotificationManager pushManager = new PushNotificationManager();

	/* 初始化连接 */

	/* 推送消息并获得结果 */
	List<PushedNotification> notifications = pushManager.sendNotifications(payload, devices);