
// 由主机域名获得其IP地址

protected void btnShowLocal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


txtaShowAnswer.Value = "";

string strShowAnwser = string.Empty;

string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName(); //获取本地主机名

strShowAnwser = "The local host's name is: " + strHostName + "/n";

IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName); //将主机名解析成IPHostEntry实例

foreach (IPAddress ip in ipHost.AddressList) //将主机名(域名)对应的IP全部解析出来

strShowAnwser += "The local host's IP is: " + ip.ToString() + "/n";

IPAddress LocalIP = IPAddress.Parse(""); //将字符串实例成IP地址

IPEndPoint ipEP = new IPEndPoint(LocalIP, 80); //将网络端点表示成IP地址和端口号

strShowAnwser += "The IPEndPoint is: " + ipEP.ToString() + "/n";

strShowAnwser += "The Address is: " + ipEP.Address + "/n";

strShowAnwser += "The Port is: " + ipEP.Port + "/n";

strShowAnwser += "The AddressFamily is: " + ipEP.AddressFamily + "/n";

strShowAnwser += "The Max port number is: " + IPEndPoint.MaxPort + "/n";

strShowAnwser += "The Min port number is: " + IPEndPoint.MinPort + "/n";

txtaShowAnswer.Value = strShowAnwser;



The local host's name is: Young

The local host's IP is: ::1

The local host's IP is:

The IPEndPoint is:

The Address is:

The Port is: 80

The AddressFamily is: InterNetwork

The Max port number is: 65535

The Min port number is: 0